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by Nicole Archambault

妮可·阿坎巴特(Nicole Archambault)

教育技术如何颠覆传统学习的现状 (How Educational Technology is disrupting the status quo of traditional learning)

以及它如何增加我们作为自学成才的编码员的增长机会 (And how it boosts our growth opportunities as self-taught coders)

Whether or not you know it, if you’ve been teaching yourself to code… you’ve had exposure to Educational Technology (or “EdTech” for short) in some way or another.

无论您是否知道,如果您一直在自学编码,就已经以某种方式接触了教育技术(简称“ EdTech”)。

It can be a challenge to understand what exactly educational technology is, and what it isn’t, since it’s a relatively new conjoiner area in both education and computing technology.


Allow me to shine some light on what Educational Technology actually is, and how it can or probably has already benefited you in your web development education. Then, we’ll talk about some of the great careers EdTech has to offer.

请允许我阐明一下教育技术的真正含义,以及它如何或可能已经使您受益于Web开发教育。 然后,我们将讨论EdTech提供的一些出色职业。

什么是教育技术? (What is Educational Technology?)

EdTech is an area of the technology sector dedicated to the development and application of tools with the purpose of promoting education and new learning experiences.


So basically, EdTech is using technology to promote education.


Even books are a product of educational technology. However, an important distinction: books are not so much the educational technology itself as are the means of creating the book. Rather than the book as a product, we focus on the tools used to create that product when describing education technology.

甚至书籍也是教育技术的产物。 但是,有一个重要的区别:书籍本身并不是教育技术,而是书籍的创作手段 。 在描述教育技术时,我们将重点放在用于创建该产品的工具上,而不是将其作为产品。

Whether by ink and quill or printing press, the written information is being shared via a non-verbal means, and is able to reach more people as a result to communicate the ideas of the author. I used to think it was the book itself, but this consideration makes sense.

无论是通过墨水笔,羽毛笔还是印刷机,书面信息都是通过非语言方式共享的,因此能够吸引更多人交流作者的想法。 我曾经以为这是本书本身,但是这种考虑是有道理的。

Computing-wise, if you learned to code using an online service like , , , or even something like courses… you have used Educational Technology to build your own education.

在计算方面,如果您学会了使用诸如 , , 或什课程之类的在线服务进行编码,则可以使用Educational Technology来进行自己的教育。

Think about it: these are web applications, which use web development technologies.


They have back-end frameworks that render information on the front-end, in the form perhaps of lessons or quizzes, or even a video for the student to watch. It’s really kind of meta when you think about it: we use technology, to learn about technology.

他们具有后端框架,这些框架以课程或测验甚至视频的形式呈现在前端的信息,供学生观看。 当您考虑它时,它确实是一种元数据:我们使用技术来学习技术。

Even though the field of Educational Technology might seem to be super niched-down, it’s really not. The implications of education, and by extraction, educational technology spread into virtually every industry in existence today.

即使教育技术领域似乎被压倒了,但事实并非如此。 教育的意义以及通过提取,教育技术几乎传播到当今存在的每个行业。

Caleb Clark, educator and EdTech expert, summarized the importance of EdTech this way in : “Geeks can’t teach, and teachers can’t geek.”

教育家兼EdTech专家Caleb Clark在总结了EdTech的重要性。 :“极客无法教书,而老师也无法极客。”

What does this mean exactly?


Well, the best web developers and more generally, programmers, in the world are often not the best teachers. Often, we expect that the people teaching a particular industry’s skills should be the people working in that very industry.

嗯,世界上最好的Web开发人员,更一般地说,程序员通常不是最好的老师。 通常,我们希望教授特定行业技能的人应该是从事该行业的人。

However, what happens when someone doesn’t learn best by doing, or following suit? What happens when the expert is too far removed from the beginner’s perspective to understand their struggles?

但是,如果某人没有通过做事或跟随做事而学得最好,该怎么办? 当专家与初学者的距离太远而无法理解他们的挣扎时,会发生什么?

This is where the educators step in.


By combining the superpowers of both technologists and educators, the newly created potential is endless. And it certainly doesn’t stop at just teaching technology, though that’s at least one thing we’ve all seen or used EdTech for.

通过结合技术人员和教育人员的超能力,新创造的潜力是无限的。 当然,这不仅限于教学技术,尽管那是我们所有人都已经看到或使用过EdTech的至少一件事。

If you work a full-time job, have you ever had to go through on-the-job training that was web-based, or even paper-based? That’s EdTech at work.

如果您从事全职工作,您是否曾经接受过基于网络甚至基于纸张的在职培训? 那是EdTech在工作。

EdTech is on a fast track to being everywhere, and that’s exactly where we need it to be.


我在EdTech的个人经历 (My personal experience with EdTech)

So, my personal experience with EdTech began even before I first started learning to code in 2015. But, like my coding journey… it started with . I had used tools like W3Schools, which is totally EdTech in its own form.

因此,我在EdTech的亲身经历甚至在我于2015年开始学习编码之前就开始了。但是,就像我的编码之旅一样,它始于 。 我曾经使用过诸如W3Schools之类的工具,它完全是EdTech自己的形式。

However, that issue I mentioned before of students learning differently… that one affected me deeply.


Most of my followers and podcast listeners know by this point that I had a really tough time with traditional educational systems.


At the end of the day, I was still a great student—but it was an intensely stressful and anxiety-inducing process for me. I didn’t figure out most of the details of how I learned until I was 29 years old, and already established in the field of Customer Service.

归根结底,我还是一个很棒的学生,但这对我来说是一个充满压力和焦虑的过程。 直到29岁,并且已经在客户服务领域建立了我,我才知道我如何学习的大多数细节。

I didn’t have much upward movement to make, so I started looking at opportunities to teach myself new skills. Just based off of curiosity.

我没有太多向上运动的需要,所以我开始寻找机会来教自己新技能。 只是出于好奇。

I wasn’t a fixed mindset, exactly… but I wasn’t working with a total growth mindset either. My anxiety told me that I was going to at the very least play hell trying to change careers and learn technology.

确切地说,我并不是固定的思维方式,但是我也没有以整体增长的思维方式工作。 我的不安告诉我,我至少要努力改变职业并学习技术。

But, once I found Treehouse, all of that changed.

但是,一旦我找到树上小屋, 所有这些都改变了

The high quality videos, speed controls, closed captioning, ability to pause and restart whenever needed… those are key features of video used across the internet. In EdTech, functionality like this gives power and control to the student, in a way that students traditionally do not have control.

高质量的视频速度控制隐藏式字幕在需要时可以暂停和重新启动的能力 ……这些是互联网上使用的视频的关键功能。 在EdTech中,这样的功能以传统上没有学生控制的方式为学生提供了力量和控制力。

And with that control, plus the added benefit of visual teaching… I was off to the races.


It was incredible. Like, EdTech gave me my life back, and I feel like in so many ways, I owe EdTech my life.

实在太棒了。 就像,EdTech让我的生活重新回到了我的怀抱中,我觉得在很多方面我都应归功于EdTech。

Since then, I’ve really been focusing my entrepreneurial energy, combined with the web development skills I’ve learned with the help of EdTech, back onto EdTech.


, my flagship course + coaching program for coding career changers, was developed with a particular approach: to provide fundamental knowledge that is commonly overlooked by the programming industry as a whole, such as problem solving, research, and learning skills.


I’ll be talking briefly about EdTech and entrepreneurship toward the end of this post in the Careers in EdTech section, but generally speaking — you have lots of options here.

在这篇文章的结尾,我将在“ EdTech的职业”部分中简短地谈论EdTech和企业家精神,但总的来说-您在这里有很多选择。

Mostly, you can pave your own way, and for someone with an entrepreneurial streak, being given creative license to play with tech and help others is like… my dream job!


EdTech是什么样的? (What does EdTech look like?)

EdTech can look like a lot of different things, which is why it may be hiding in plain sight.


One of the best definitions of EdTech that I’ve come across was by Hap Aziz in his 2010 article, “”.

我遇到的对EdTech最好的定义之一是Hap Aziz在他的2010年文章“ ”中。

He defines EdTech as:


the considered implementation of appropriate tools, techniques, or processes that facilitate the application of senses, memory, and cognition to enhance teaching practices and improve learning outcomes.


While virtually anything using technology to promote education could be considered “educational technology”, further investigation into what truly constitutes EdTech taught me that this is still a widely and openly discussed topic.


I mean, did you know prior to me telling you that writing instruments were one of the earliest forms of educational engineering—and by connection, technology?


And the printing press, which we more identify with as “technology” as we know it, was perhaps the greatest innovation to educational technology in modern history. Early technologies like these are often overlooked, because compared to today’s perception of “technology”, the origins of EdTech can indeed seem primitive.

印刷机也许是现代历史上对教育技术的最大革新,而我们更将其称为“技术”。 像这样的早期技术经常被忽略,因为与今天对“技术”的认识相比,EdTech的起源确实看起来很原始。

In 2019, EdTech can look like web-based learning platforms we know and love. There are far too many to name at this point, which is… quite frankly, amazing. It wasn’t like that even a decade ago.

在2019年,EdTech可能看起来像我们知道并喜欢的基于Web的学习平台。 在这一点上有太多的名字要说,坦白说,太神奇了。 十年前不是那样。

EdTech can be in the form of mobile or console games, that teach children and adults alike critical skills they need in life. I ran into an amazing example just recently, when I discovered the game —available on many platforms—which teaches programming principles.

EdTech可以采用手机或主机游戏的形式,该游戏可以教给儿童和成人同样重要的生活技能。 最近,当我发现一个游戏《 在许多平台上使用)时,我遇到了一个惊人的例子,该游戏教授编程原理。

You’re effectively given tasks to filter and sort output based on criteria you’re given in a particular challenge. I loved it, it was challenging, and I learned a lot while playing.

有效地为您提供了根据特定挑战中给出的条件对输出进行过滤和排序的任务。 我喜欢它,这非常具有挑战性,并且在玩游戏时学到了很多东西。

That is the power of Educational Technology — learning so immersive, and occasionally so wildly different from the traditional methods of teaching in schools — that you’re not even cognizant of the fact that you’re actively learning.

这就是教育技术的力量- 如此沉浸式学习,有时与学校的传统教学方法如此大相径庭,以至于您甚至都没有意识到自己正在积极学习。

EdTech can be in the form of hardware, as well. There are many potential implementations being explored for use of VR and AR in EdTech. We’ll dig into that some more shortly.

EdTech也可以采用硬件形式。 在EdTech中,有许多潜在的实现正在探索中以使用VR和AR。 我们将在稍后对此进行深入探讨。

In general, just know that EdTech is still a nebulous and largely uncharted frontier. It is truly education at the speed of technology.

总的来说,只要知道EdTech仍然是一个模糊不清的前沿领域。 这是真正以技术的速度进行的教育。

I still have lots of questions about regulations and standards, especially after speaking with Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson in our July interview, “”, which was Episode 11.

我仍然对法规和标准有很多疑问,尤其是在与Treehouse首席执行官Ryan Carson在我们7月的访谈《 Ryan Carson在 》(第11集)中交谈之后。

Ryan talked about how Treehouse initially sought accreditation, but were unable to secure it due to requirements that they freeze their curriculum for two years. In a fast-moving industry like web development… that wouldn’t make for a very relevant curriculum.

Ryan谈到了Treehouse最初是如何寻求认证的,但是由于要求将课程冻结两年而无法获得认证。 在网络开发这样的快速发展的行业中……这并不需要非常相关的课程。

And that definitely kind of limits the opportunities that EdTech companies have to validate and certify their products through traditional routes of doing so — accreditation, namely.


I want to help us get to the point where EdTech is looked upon as a different and unique iteration of education, and for bureaucracy to stop trying to shoehorn it into the limitations of archaic educational standards.


The beauty of EdTech is that it can take so many different shapes, and be so closely tailored to a particular field or niche. And the cost of exploring all it has to offer is so much less than with traditional K-12, post-secondary, and vocational routes.

EdTech的优点在于它可以采用多种不同的形状,并且可以针对特定领域或利基市场进行量身定制。 探索所有产品的成本比传统的K-12,专上和职业路线要低得多。

By embracing that uniqueness, and keeping students and learners at the center of everything we create in EdTech, we stand a chance of disrupting education as we know it, and changing those limiting rules and outdated regulations for the greater good.


EdTech创造了强大的教育机会 (EdTech creates powerful education opportunities)

Now, we’ve been talking about EdTech as a facilitator for learning to code, and building skills to do your job to the best of your ability. But what about EdTech for kids, in the classroom? From what I’ve both seen and heard, classrooms have changed a lot since I graduated from high school back in the early 2000s.

现在,我们一直在谈论EdTech作为学习编码的促进者,并建立技能以尽其所能来完成您的工作。 但是在教室里为孩子们准备的EdTech呢? 从我所见所闻,自2000年代初我从高中毕业以来,教室发生了很大变化。

Of course, this depends on the accessibility of technology to the school or school district, of course. And in a lot of ways, that’s a topic for an entirely different article.

当然,这取决于技术对学校或学区的可访问性。 在很多方面,这是一篇完全不同的文章的主题。

But with the cost of technology dropping tremendously, the expansion of broadband internet access, and the advent of micro-computers like the Raspberry Pi… that accessibility gap is shrinking.

但是随着技术成本的急剧下降,宽带互联网访问的扩展以及像Raspberry Pi这样的微型计算机的出现,可访问性差距正在缩小。

The biggest obstacle is appropriating funding to technology, and understanding the massive improvements it can bring to education overall.


Education should be centered around the needs of the student.


However, students are limited in their educations by factors that shouldn’t be factors at all, like where they live and their school district’s funding, their family’s socio-economic status, the relevance of the material available to them, their differences in learning, and the availability of teachers to attend to those differences… just to name a few.


With the advent of internet-connected technology, there’s no reason for these to be factors any longer.


Children can have access to the information and books they need, in the most relevant editions required, without being required to ship expensive books at exorbitant rates to less populous regions.


EdTech使教室无限扩大 (EdTech makes the classroom infinitely larger)

I mentioned differences in learning as a factor, as well, and this is an enormous benefit that EdTech can offer.


Special education teachers, and teachers skilled in delivering information via particular teaching styles, are all over the world. However, they may not be available in a particular school district.

特殊教育的教师和熟练通过特殊的教学方式传递信息的教师遍布世界各地。 但是,它们可能在特定的学区不可用。

Can you imagine a classroom where there were multiple teachers for each learning style? One drawing images on the whiteboard, and another connecting ideas to help associative learners. Another working through a book for textual learners.

您能想象一个教室里每种学习风格都有多位老师吗? 一幅画在白板上的图像,另一幅画相连接的想法以帮助相关学习者。 另一本书的学习者是文本学习者。

What if we could have the teachers pause whenever needed so students could take the breaks they need to absorb information without overwhelm?


In the case of home schooling, EdTech not only delivers options for parents who aren’t teachers and don’t know everything, but also has great potential to provide that same accessibility to special education teachers for their own children, without depending on their school district or paying someone to teach their child 1:1, in-person.


Can you think of some applications on your own? Perhaps a teaching assistant even be replaced by an AI chat bot that’s available at all hours?

您可以自己考虑一些应用程序吗? 也许教学助手甚至可以被全天候可用的AI聊天机器人取代?

Or, AR/VR technology could allow children in remote areas to virtually “visit” important world landmarks they may not otherwise have a chance to visit.

或者,AR / VR技术可以使偏远地区的儿童虚拟地“访问”他们可能没有机会参观的重要世界地标。

You can see — I’m so excited just talking about these topics. Because the potential benefit is so. damn. big.

您可以看到—我很高兴谈论这些主题。 因为潜在的好处是这样。 该死的。 大。

EdTech和OpenEd (EdTech and OpenEd)

Let’s talk a little about EdTech and privatization, versus open source education, or “OpenEd” for short.

让我们谈谈教育技术和私有化,相对于开源教育,简称“ OpenEd”。

For the newbies out there, privatization in this context basically means educators working for companies to create proprietary, for-profit products — as opposed to open source — to promote education.


Conversely, open source education communities would provide this information and associated learning tools for free, for educators worldwide to build a global, living repository of knowledge.


In many ways, we’re already there. Wikipedia is, in fact, a great example. However, while the future of education requires more than the opinions of an average Wikipedia contribution, there are definitely options for being “verified” to join these communities.

在许多方面,我们已经在那里。 实际上,维基百科就是一个很好的例子。 但是,尽管教育的未来需要的不仅仅是维基百科平均贡献的观点,但肯定有选择“验证”加入这些社区的选择。

Now, there’s nothing wrong at all with privatization.


With privatization often comes the funding required to bring in the best talent from both the educational and technology sides, and create better products, sooner, than the Open Source communities could.


Personally, I would love to see OpenEd welcome professionals and specialists from all walks of life, not just educators, to freely provide information that technologists can adapt into usable EdTech software and web applications.


Input can always be filtered and validated, but it needs to be contributed first.


It’s my personal dream to be an Open Source contributor on the technologist side, which is why I’ve begun flexing my entrepreneur muscle to open up my schedule in order to do so.


While I’m sure working in EdTech would be an absolute blast, it would have to be a really forward-thinking, cutting-edge company with a hefty mission to pull me away from Open Source in order to build proprietary apps.


We need those perspectives of really dedicated educators and technologists to show us how important the world of EdTech is, and the incredible things we can build in it.


EdTech的职业 (Careers in EdTech)

Excited about EdTech? You should be!

对EdTech感到兴奋吗? 你应该!

This is huge, and it’s an area so many people don’t even know about. Like, we use these tools all the time, but we have no idea about the very industry behind it.

这是一个巨大的领域,很多人甚至都不知道。 就像,我们一直在使用这些工具,但是我们对其背后的行业一无所知。

It’s also an extremely fulfilling career to work in, and you know that you’re making a big difference every step of the way. If you want to work in EdTech, fortunately, EdTech brings in ALL areas of technology, particularly design and UX.

这也是一个非常充实的职业,而且您知道自己在每个步骤中都发挥着重要作用。 如果您想在EdTech工作,那么幸运的是,EdTech引入了所有技术领域,尤其是设计和UX。

Every aspect that is required in the building of native mobile, desktop software and web applications, as well as hardware design and development, is desperately needed to make EdTech the world-changing field it is going to be, but with the help of talented professionals you all will become, even sooner.


A lot of job seekers out there want to find work that is both fulfilling and profitable, and it was actually just recently that I found out that I was completely wrong about what I thought about EdTech.


While the Open Source world may not offer many opportunities to get paid for your work, there has been a dramatic increase in venture capital investment in Educational Technology startups in the past 10 years.


In a 2013 Forbes article by Elli Sharef called “”, included in the show notes, she remarked on the topic, “Whereas teachers generally top out at around $80,000 a year, and only if they get masters/doctoral degrees, educational entrepreneurs have shown that making money and doing good are not always misaligned.”

她在2013年《福布斯》杂志发表的一篇名为《 》的《福布斯》文章中谈到了这个话题,“教师通常每年的最高收入约为80,000美元,而且只有在他们获得硕士学位/博士学位,教育企业家表明,赚钱和做事并不总是错位。”

If you’re interested in getting a job in Educational Technology, though, here are some places to start:


First off, see if there are any local events for EdTech. They’ll likely be open to everyone, but with a special focus on building connections between entrepreneurs, technologists, and educators.

首先,请查看EdTech是否有任何本地活动。 它们可能会向所有人开放,但特别着重于在企业家,技术人员和教育者之间建立联系。

There’s a particular reason that I’m suggesting in-person Meetups first.


These kinds of conversations are really incredible to have in-person. It’s an opportunity to make a truly deep connection with someone over a passionate topic.

面对面的交谈真是令人难以置信。 这是一个就某个充满激情的话题与某人建立真正深入联系的机会。

Sometimes you get that when talking tech alone, sometimes not.


Typically, I find the most passionate and interesting people in tech are the ones doing something meaningful with their tech skills. And I’m super bored by most conversations about pure tech unless it’s based on a question I asked.

通常,我发现科技领域中最热情,最有趣的人是利用自己的技术技能做出有意义的事情的人。 除非是基于我提出的问题,否则我对大多数有关纯技术的对话感到无聊。

My best advice is to let yourself be interested in asking questions, and finding people who have great answers embedded in their experience and perspectives.


It’s also worth noting that even if you’re not naturally curious, that’s a pretty good indicator that EdTech might not be for you, and that’s perfectly fine! That’s really valuable information to have, so you can pivot and find something you really love.

还值得注意的是,即使您不是天生好奇的,这也很好地表明了EdTech可能不适合您,而且很好! 这是非常有价值的信息,因此您可以进行调整并找到您真正喜欢的东西。

You can also join some EdTech communities online, and introduce yourself as someone who’s interested in the field.


See if forums have pinned posts with useful information for newcomers looking to network or build their skills. For a good hack I’ve been using, you can also search the entire forum’s domain in Google for terms like “new” or “first time” to read feedback others have gotten.

查看论坛是否在帖子中固定了有用的信息,以帮助希望加入社交网络或提高技能的新手。 对于我一直在使用的好技巧,您还可以在Google的整个论坛域中搜索“新”或“首次”之类的字词,以阅读他人获得的反馈。

Doing this also shows others in the community that you know how to utilize information that is already available to you, which will make any community at least a bit kinder in response to a newcomer.


Networking is STILL the best way to get a job — far more effective than applying to jobs online.


Plus, you get to establish some wonderful connections with forward-thinking, creative people.


It’s important to note that EdTech needs even more diversity than tech in general, both as educators and technologists. Every product created to promote education stands the potential to be a game-changer, and reach millions of people.

重要的是要注意,作为教育工作者和技术专家,EdTech需要比一般技术更多的多样性。 为促进教育而开发的每个产品都有改变游戏规则的潜力,并覆盖了数百万人。

Many of them are children, who are still learning the world. This is not just an important — but a critical responsibility — of educators and technologists alike, that often goes overlooked.

他们中的许多人是儿童,他们仍在学习世界。 这不仅是教育工作者和技术专家的重要任务,而且是关键责任,而这常常被忽视。

EdTech is also an amazing field for entrepreneurship opportunities. If you create a solution that solves the pain points of the education world, you could be on the path to a very successful (and lucrative) entrepreneurial career.

EdTech也是创业机会的绝佳领域。 如果您创建一种解决教育界难题的解决方案,那么您可能正在走向非常成功(且利润丰厚)的创业生涯。

Grants are often available to individuals and organizations looking to solve problems with their tech skills.


The is dedicated to helping anyone interested in contributing to EdTech get informed, and make the connections they need to get started.


My current career has pivoted from freelancing in front-end web development, to building web development courses using a web-based Learning Management System (LMS).


Rather than recreate the wheel and build my own LMS at this point, I’m using . Learning Management Systems are an amazing example of a successful business idea, and one that fosters individuals’ abilities to share information they possess — thus promoting education.

现在,我不是在重新创建轮子并构建自己的LMS,而是使用 。 学习管理系统是成功的商业构想的一个令人赞叹的例子,它可以培养个人共享信息的能力,从而促进教育。

Personally, I blazed my own entrepreneurship trail. For the past year, I have been gradually making progress after committing myself to closing the information gap between self-educated students and traditionally-educated, 4-year CS degree students.

就个人而言,我开拓了自己的创业之路。 在过去的一年中,我致力于缩小自我教育的学生与传统教育的4年制CS学位学生之间的信息鸿沟,从而逐渐取得了进步。

综上所述 (In summary)

Educational Technology is an exciting, relevant field for developers and engineers to explore. The capacity for massive worldwide change begins with increased access to education. And the rewards are worth it.

教育技术是开发人员和工程师探索的令人兴奋的相关领域。 大规模的全球变革的能力始于增加受教育的机会。 回报是值得的。

Nicole Archambault is the creator of , and host of the La Vie en Code .

Nicole Archambault 是的创建者,并且是La Vie en Code 主持人。

She is also the instructor of , an online course + coaching program to guide and support self-taught web development career changers to their first paid opportunities.


She has built her business around the intersection of technology, education, psychology, and the ways they affect self-educated web developers.





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